Fall on the Farm

Pumpkins, Flowers & Festivals

 Pumpkin Fest FAQs

  • General admission is $8 for anyone over the age of 3. This gives you access to hayride, hay maze, games, makers market, and photo opportunities. Once you are inside, each pumpkin is $10.

    Early bird pricing ended on Sept 10.

  • We are open starting October 4 - October 28 on the weekends only.

    Friday 9:30-2:30PM

    Saturday and Sunday from 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM

    The last entry into the farm will be one hour before closing.

  • We have a very limited number of wagons and wheel barrels to help you get your pumpkin to your car. But, we HIGHLY encourage you to bring your own wagon, backpack, or stroller to transport pumpkins. It will make your trip so much easier!

  • Included in your $8 general admission is a hayride, hay maze, kids ball pit & play area, photo areas, and games such as cornhole, tetherball, etc. Entry to the Markers Market on Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays. Farm animals are there Saturday's and Sundays as well. Once you are inside, you can purchase a pumpkin for $10, visit the concession stand, food vendors and Fall farm store.

  • No. Each pumpkin is $10. We partner with Catamount Institute to offer a school-based program to kindergarten classes for a free pumpkin, provided by Pikes Peak Community Foundation.

  • Only kids who are 2 and under are free. All other children 3 and older must pay the $8 general admission.

  • No, but it is highly encouraged. This helps us plan for staffing and ensures we don’t have too many people enter at any one time. We do take walk-ins at the gate.

  • The local 4-H chapter will bring various farm animals on Saturdays and Sundays. There are no farm animals on Fridays.

  • No. Please leave your furry friends at home. The only day dogs are welcome is Oct. 27 for our dog friendly Pup-kin Fest - costumed dogs are encouraged.

  • No but, we have a lot of photo backdrops that you can capture a photo with your own camera or phone.

  • Yep! We actually prefer credit cards or Apple Pay but we also take cash.

  • Last entry is one hour before closing and everyone will be expected out of the farm by closing. Plan your trip accordingly.

Kindergarten School Program: Pumpkins for Kids

Nick and Bambi Venetucci opened their hearts and their farm to school children coming to the farm to pick out a pumpkin. We now hear from multiple generations of families coming to the farm about their experiences growing up while Mr. Venetucci was out here greeting students as they arrived. The pumpkin program continues with Kindergarten classrooms through a partnership with Catamount Institute. Buses of kids still come to the farm to learn about farming and pick out a pumpkin. And the one rule from Mr. Venetucci, you had to carry it back to the bus yourself!

If you are a Kindergarten teacher, you may reach out to Catamount Institute directly to see if they have any openings in their school-based program with field trips to the farm.